TweakMASTER Pro 3.04 With Patch

3 minute read
This program differs from other tweaking, above all, a narrow focus. If other optimizers often include a variety of utilities bootblack roster until backup units, TweakMASTER contains only the means to configure the Internet connection.

In general we can say that the program is very complete solution and will be a great helper for those who work a lot on the Internet. It includes virtually all of the tools that they can come in handy - from utilities to synchronize the system time to the means to download Web pages in the background.
  • Connection Optimization Wizard (Wizard optimize connection) This module is a step by step wizard, which allows you to configure the Internet connection is best. This user does not need to set any settings - only need to specify the type of Internet connection and a way to connect to the Internet, and then choose one of three options to optimize (in the program, they are called - option 1, 2 and 3). If optimization has not brought the desired result, you may want to choose another option or with the same master to return to their original settings.
  • Advanced Optimization Settings (advanced settings optimization) If the previous module is designed for novice users and does not require any knowledge about a system like this, rather, more experienced computer scientists. With it you can manually configure some settings network adapter and connect to the Internet. It should be noted that there is a rollback option, which will help in case of selecting the parameters failed to return everything as it was.
  • DNS Accelerator (accelerator DNS) When you enter the site name in a browser window, the program must convert the text into a numeric address. It takes some time, since thiscomputer sends a request to the DNS-server provider, after which he sends it to the server domain. DNS Accelerator module stores this information for sites you visit directly on yourcomputer, which greatly speeds up the work.
  • Connection Speed Measurement (measurement of the speed of communication) module that allows to test the quality of Internet connection.
  • Advanced Ping & TraceRoute - module that allows to detect the source of the problems encountered when using the Internet and local network.
  • Network Connections Viewer - the module for viewing open network connections, TCP and UDP ports in real time.
  • Clock Synchronization - synchronize the system time with the servers of exact time. There is a list of servers to which you can add your own.
  • Keep Connected - module to avoid bursting the Internet connection to your ISP.
  • Smart WhoIs - utility to obtain information about the domain or IP-address.
  • LinkFox - an additional module that allows to speed up surfing at the expense of the autonomous loading of these options.
Would you like to :
  • Automatically optimize and speed up any type of Internet connection.
  • Use advanced, yet easy to use, networking diagnostics and troubleshooting tools.
  • Optimize Internet Explorer and Firefox for snappier web surfing.
  • Be in total control of all networking configuration settings.
  • Specific optimizations for every Windows version from Windows 2000 to Windows 7.
Whats New On TweakMaster 3.04 :
  • TweakMASTER has been updated for a better compatibility with localized versions of Windows Vista and Windows 7 (users of German Windows Vista are the most affected).
  • An optional Ask toolbar has been removed from TweakMASTER installer.
  • Several minor fixes and improvements.
Buat yang sudah request TweakMASTER, langsung aja di download. Okeiii

PERHATIAN : Software ini belum saya uji coba. Hati-hati file patchnya dianggap sebagai virus malware oleh avast, NOD32.

Tool TweakMASTER Pro 3.04 ini sudah saya uji coba dan patch berjalan dengan baik. Meskipun patch dianggap sebagai virus. Tips dari saya, sewaktu ingin mempatch TweakMASTER Pro 3.04, harap disable antivirus nya dahulu. Bagi yang takut, jangan coba tips ini. Okeiii

Download TweakMASTER Pro 3.04 With Patch

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  1. cara pakenya gimana bro?bingung pake bhs inggris..

  2. cara pake gimana bro..bingung tutornya pake english..tolong dijelasin pake bhs indonesia aja bro biar gak bingung

  3. cara gunainnya gimana gan,,bingung tutornya pake english

  4. Bro... patch-nya sudah tidak berfungsi lagi... minta patch atau crack yang baru dong...


  5. @Anonymous : cara menggunakan nya gampang kok sob,, coba-coba aja,, hehe
    @Anonymous : bisa kok sob,, coba anda close program nya dulu, gunakan task manager, klo nggak salah, ada satu proces yang sulit di kenali, lupa saya namanya. jadi klo proses itu tidak di end, tidak bakal bisa di crack sob,,

  6. sob patchnya da yang lain ga?

  7. @Anonymous : Mang yg ini knp sob?? saya udah coba dan berjalan kok,,,

  8. REMO



  9. bro...websitenya ajib banget...
    aq request cara jebol password winbox dong....
    maksih ya.....

  10. Patch lo ga bisa bro gw dah cobain sampe 4 kompie tetep ga bisa bro, kav dah di disable tetep gabisa juga..coba yang lain lagi bro .gw butuh bngt niy tweak nya..thanks (kabarin ke mail gw yak

  11. Bisa kok, sebelum dijalankan, harap close dulu semua program yg berkaitan dengan tweak lewat task manager (cari dengan teliti, file nya rada-rada tersembunyi. dan jangan lupa show all progress di centang) thx

  12. bwd temen2 yg msh susah bwd patchnya , harap di end process dlu smua yg berhubungan dgn tweakmaster ( TMTray , DUMeter -> WIndows Task Manager ) dan jgn lpa di close jg tmpt penyimpanan installer tweakmasternya ..
    thx 4 REMO-XP ats TweakMASTERnya ..!

  13. aq udah end process TMTray ma DU Meter tp tetep aja gak bisa bro..

  14. thanx 4 allllllll

  15. mantap brow.....thanks softwarenya tinggal tutorialnya ja he2

  16. minta serial keynya donk plisssssssssssss!!!!

  17. dari max 20kbps menjadi 400kbps (transfer rate)....muantaabbbssss.. thanks braderrrr :D

  18. bro,tweak klo d gabung ma cfoss bentrok ga seh.
    thx ya buat cfos na

  19. sob request advanced system care terbaru dunk!!!!
    yang full version yaaaaa.............

  20. langsung tak coba mas remo... nyasar ke blog mas remo ketika mencari Tweak Master ini,, ok mas langsung tak download dech,, biar ngeblog lancar,,,

  21. ane juga sama gan gak bisa patch semua udah di matiin dr tray icon sampe proces nya....

  22. bro..kok punya ane jadi lemot ya...
    tolong tips n triknya dong cara settingnya..thx
    buat yg diatas yg gk bisa p ake aja
    close semua icon di tray n di task menager ada 1 lage namaya DU meter..itu di end dulu..baru deh bisa patch..thx :)) hehe :D (sok tau)tapi punya gw sukses pacthnya

  23. Gan Ada Yang Terbaru ga Tweak masternya.??

  24. link nya gg bisa gan....tolong di cek ya gan,thx

  25. kk,serialkey nya anti virus buat kaspersky yg lebih 1 thn gg ada ya kk?

  26. Om Remo, linknya Invalid or Deleted File. Please repair linknya dong...thank's Om.


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