IsoBuster segera menampilkan semua trek dan sesi terletak di media, dikombinasikan dengan semua file sistem yang ada. Dengan cara ini Anda mendapatkan akses mudah, seperti explorer, untuk semua file dan folder per file-system. Bukannya terbatas pada satu sistem file yang OS picks untuk Anda, Anda memiliki akses ke "gambaran lengkap". Akses data dari sesi lama, akses data yang Anda OS (misalnya Windows) tidak melihat atau menyembunyikan dari Anda dll.
Screen Shoot:
New Features:
- Improvements for Floppy/Diskette detection
- Improvements for finding NTFS file systems (for instance when there's no partition data to start from)
- Try to guess the correct code page of CD-Text on an Audio CD based on its Language field
- Allow columns order to be changed
- Popup to enable/disable columns
- Store new column order, width, hidden etc.
- Which column is sorted, and in what direction, is now shown properly
- Once a column header is clicked to sort, that sorting order is also applied to every other folder you browse to
- Various speed and memory allocation improvements throughout the code, noticeable during all sorts of functions.
- Always use code page 10000 when parsing HFS, this improves special characters display such as the small TM in the top corner
- Improvements in the detection between optical and other type media image files with shared extensions (e.g. .img)
- Removed older Win9x / NT4 / Aspi related settings from Options / Communication
- Introduced ability to start IsoBuster with only optical / only other than optical / both or none at all.
- Added command line switches: /nocd and /nohd
- Improved scanning for lost files and folders by reducing false positives for certain FAT and UDF structures
- Exposed more settings via Options / GUI / Messages, for which a popup occured but no way to change it again existed
- Various other smaller GUI improvements
Download IsoBuster 3.1.0 Full Keygen
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