- Emulate virtual CD/DVD-ROM/HD DVD and Blu-ray drives DAEMON Tools Lite [Commercial] enables you to emulate up to 4 CD/DVD virtual drives on your PC. Virtual drives will appear in your OS just like real ones. Select a virtual drive then choose a disc image you want to mount. Find the created virtual drive with mounted disc image in My Computer. Start working! Looks like working with a real drive and a real disc, doesn't it? Yes, but it is much faster!
- Create a disc image With DAEMON Tools Lite [Commercial] you can create ISO and MDS image files from original discs inserted in physical CD/DVD/HD DVD/Blu-ray drives. Or use images you have created earlier with other program. DAEMON Tools products work with variety of image types.
- creates *.iso and *.mds images;
- emulates up to 4 virtual CD/DVD drives;
- performs image mounting and unmounting;
- supports *.b5t, *.b6t, *.bwt, *.ccd, *.cdi, *.cue, *.nrg, *.pdi, *.isz;
- offers powerful command line interface.
Whtas New
Bugs fixed:
File size : 8.74MB (9,161,776 bytes)
Requirements : Windows 2000 / XP / 2003 / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64
Sekarang sudah ada versi DAEMON Tools Lite 4.40.2, silahkan di download disini.
Saya tidak online 24 Jam dan hanya sendiri mengurus blog ini, mohon maaf bila komentar anda tidak di balas.
Mohon gunakan kata-kata yang sopan dalam memberikan komentar.
Komentar SPAM, SARA, dan sejenisnya tidak akan di tampilkan.
Komentar hanya Thanks, Mantap, Pertamax, dll. Tidak akan di tampilkan.
thx gan,,,
ReplyDeleteThx software-nya, upload di IDWS jg biar lbh cepet Gan....
ReplyDeleteAda versi yg PRO gak boz???
ReplyDeletethx ya hehe ketemun juga nih
ReplyDeletethanx gan!
ReplyDeletemantabz, numpang sedot gan...
ReplyDeletehebat nih software! :X
ReplyDeletethanx zob.....,
ReplyDeletei like it....
bukan yang full y?
ReplyDeletetq freen
ReplyDeletesedang di cek gan lg donlot daemon..
kok gak bisa di pake di win 7 ku?
ReplyDeletekenapa yaa?
matur nuhun gan, sangat membantu blognya.
ReplyDeleteboleh request ga?
klo ada billing explorer buat win 7 dunk gan, nuhun lg....
ini buat ngebuka file2 .iso ya ??
ReplyDeletemohon penjelasannya mas remo
suwun banget gan! :)
ReplyDeleteblog yg bermanfaat
ReplyDeleteMaaf, gak bisa berfungsi di windows7 ya? gak ada serial number atau patchnya gitu mas ? :(
ReplyDeleteom rhemo.SN-Nya mana???
ReplyDeletesn-Nya mana???
ReplyDeleteijin download gan...!!
ReplyDeletemampir d blog ane juga :D
gan serial numbernya berapa?
ReplyDeleteminta SNnya dong... gan...
ReplyDeleteBro,, cari.in SN.x donk?? N ad game PC Yu-Gi-Oh! yang bwt OnLine gak.. Gua udh Daftar tp gk bs dOwnload Game.x..
ReplyDeleteIjin sedot boss
gan kok ga ada serial nomor nya ya ??
ReplyDeleteBang Remo SN Nya Mana??
ReplyDeleteRequest Game Stategi Perang Yg Enak Sebelumnya Terimakasih
Punya Postingan blog template gaaa?????
ReplyDeletematur nuwun ;)
ReplyDeleteThank's banyak Gan....
ReplyDeletepayah mana cracknya ? cuma copas dari web asalnya aja :thumbsdown
ReplyDeleteIni sudah full version?
ReplyDeletegan di coba z neh, cpa tw z jalan :
ReplyDeleteName : purre_prince (if needed)
ini versi barunya.... http://www.remo-xp.com/2013/01/daemon-tools-lite-446-full-serial.html
ReplyDeleteSaya tidak online 24 Jam dan hanya sendiri mengurus blog ini, mohon maaf bila komentar anda tidak di balas.
Mohon gunakan kata-kata yang sopan dalam memberikan komentar.
Komentar SPAM, SARA, dan sejenisnya tidak akan di tampilkan.
Komentar hanya Thanks, Mantap, Pertamax, dll. Tidak akan di tampilkan.