TuneUp Utilities 2010 v9.0.2010.11 Final

Sebelumnya saya pernah membahas tentang Tune Up Utilities 2010 Beta, kini Tune Up Utilities 2010 telah merilis versi finalnya.Buat sobat blogger yang tertarik untuk meng-update nya, silahkan download dilink yang telah saya sediakan dibawah.

Fungsi Tune Up Utilities 2010:

Maintain System
Regular maintenance increases the stability of your PC, but is complicated and takes a lot of time when doing it manually. Spare yourself the stress! WithTuneUp Utilities, you can clean up your computer and delete unnecessary files with only one click. Neat!

• 1-Click Maintenance and Automatic Maintenance
• Optimize system startup and shutdown
• Defragment hard disks
• Remove broken shortcuts
• Defragment registry
• Clean registry

Increase performance
Whether you are working or gaming: TuneUp Utilities increases the performance of your PC. Programs that are used rarely or never are tracked down, startup processes are shortened and unwanted garbage files are eliminated. For trouble-free working on your PC.

• Turbo Mode
• Configure Live Optimization
• Free up disk space
• Configure system startup
• Display and uninstall programs

Fix problems
With only a few clicks, you can fix typical Windows problems as easy as pie — without being a PC expert yourself. TuneUp Utilities finds errors on data carriers and fixes them automatically — about 60 of the most frequent problems under XP™, Vista™, and Windows 7™. TuneUp Utilities can even restore files deleted by accident — quickly, easily, and reliably.

• Fix typical problems
• Restore deleted data
• Check hard drive for errors
• Manage running programs

Customize Windows
Give your Windows a new look with TuneUp Utilities and customize programs and system settings to meet your needs: cool new boot screens, icons, and animations provide that personalized look for your Desktop. You can easily customize the appearance of Windows and settings of manyprograms to your liking.

• Personalize Windows appearance
• Change Windows settings

Additional functions
TuneUp Utilities offers you transparency and safety and keeps you up to date. Stay informed with the System information and Optimization Report, undo changes made accidentally, or check for available updates. From fast and safe editing of the registry to deleting data — even computer experts will find applications to meet their needs.You can find all the features that provide you with an overview of your PC and more security in this area.

• Display TuneUp Optimization Report
• Undo changes
• Check for updates
• Show system information
• Permanently erase data
• Editing the registry

Download Now (.exe)
Download TU2010 Serial

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  1. Bro...kq error terus q mau download???
    dah di coba berkali"...

  2. @Anonymous : Link sudah saya perbaiki,, makasih atas informasinya

  3. Sob,Sekedar info aja ya..
    Tune up blum final nie.. masih ada yg terbaru lagi.. Versi 9.0.3100.22 Update 2.02.2010

  4. @OpunK : Makasih atas infonya sob,, salam

  5. bro tolong bisa kasi tau serial number buat uniblue speed up my pc gak,,??
    terima kasih sebelumnya ya

  6. Aku mau nanya, lisensinya resmi ga?
    soalnya aku pernah coba pakai lisensi lain awalnya bisa lama kelamaan tak bisa dipakai ( atau disebut license Forget )

  7. @arix : Serialnya UN kan sudah ada di dalam paket download nya???

    @Manusia : Kaga sob,, klo resmi berarti kita boleh beli, kan software ini software komersil bukan freeware,, Selama ini saya nggak ada masalah kok, tp saran saya janagn di uodate aja,, ok heheh

  8. Bro, dah dicobain, serial untuk Uniblue Speed Up My Pc nggak mau aja, katanya huruf awalnya harus SP, sedangkan yg dr Bro, depannya 00, dah dicoba ganti ato tambah SP jg ndak bisa....

  9. Sorry Bro, komen tentang serial unibluenya diralat, baru baca barusan... harus sambil online toch.... dicoba dulu ach... Thanks berat ya...

  10. bozz...cara nyedot dari unifire gm..:(( ??? sedotannya ga ada... malah gambar kotak gittwu....

  11. unfire?? wah,, saya g tau tuh sob, blm pernah download disana,, thx

  12. Waaaduh bung Remo, mau dunk serial number uniblue speed up my pcnya sama serial number driver scan uniblue. Thanks alot, ya.
    Sukses selalu!

  13. Bung Remo, ckckckck, serial number Ut manttttaaaab! Trims banyak, ya.

  14. tune up 2010 kayaknya malah bikin lemot kompie deh..gak kyk waktu pk tune up 2009..

  15. bung remo kok keygen tune up ny gak bsa di download

  16. bung remo kok keygen tune up ny gak bsa di download

  17. download serialnya aja sob,, link keygen nya sepertinya sudah di hapus,, thx

  18. broo.. ini trial kan?
    gimana jadiin full version..
    setau aku
    remo-xp selalu kasi software full version kan?

  19. kok dibilangnya palsu ya bro?

  20. serialnya ko kga bisa sih...
    tolong dong gan...

  21. Mas Remo, Saya mau tanya ...
    knpa yach waktu saya mau ganti bootscreen ko gx bisa???
    tlng ya mas

  22. Thanks a lot. I really appreciate all the stuff you dedicated anywhere on the site.

  23. mas remo, cara msukin serialnya gmn?

  24. mas remo tolong dunk solusinya, kita pake TU2010 dah di masukin keyna tapi lama kelamaan TU2010 minta lg serial numbernya katanaya sich nomornya dah habis (expired gitu inggrisnya ya..) gtuoh... so TU2010nya balik lg dah jd biasa (krn kita pake mode turbo jd off dach modenya) thx.. :)

  25. ya betul...saya juga ngalami hal yg sama..!!
    mohon bantuannya mas Remo

  26. ka' mau tanya ..
    kalo sdh pake tune up utillities, perlu pake office tab ga ?
    makasih ..

  27. kalo windowsnya copy bisa ga tuh???


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Mohon gunakan kata-kata yang sopan dalam memberikan komentar.
Komentar SPAM, SARA, dan sejenisnya tidak akan di tampilkan.
Komentar hanya Thanks, Mantap, Pertamax, dll. Tidak akan di tampilkan.

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